Snail farming, an alternative for entrepreneurs to restructure the livestock sector

snail farming

Snail farming has become an alternative for livestock farmers that offers them new business opportunities. The Centre of the Andalusian Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA) of Hinojosa del Duque (Cordova)is a referent in Spain in the training of these farmers. 180 snail farms have been created in Andalusia over the last […]

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Tomatoes to combat cancer increasing their vitamin C content with a strawberry gene


Researchers from the University of Málaga and of the Andalusian Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training (IFAPA) have increased by 15 % the vitamin C content of tomatoes thanks to a strawberry gene, also increasing its antioxidant power. Tomatoes are one of the most consumed fruits and have a great importance in agriculture […]

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