‘The fish miracle’: the social initiative that promotes self-sufficiency in Seville


What does Sole have in her house? A swimming pool? Residents of Polígono Sur ask this when they are nearby. Sole’s family is the first to participate in the ‘fish miracle’, a social, educational and ecological research project which the neighbourhood collective ‘Verdes del Sur’ in Polígono Sur has set up, an area of Seville […]

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José Antonio Sánchez, flamenco T-shirts which break moulds through social media


After working for several clothing companies and playing the ‘cajón’ in a flamenco group, José Antonio Sánchez started his own t-shirt brand, Kusama. From Fuengirola (Málaga), he sends his designs all over the world. Skulls, flamenco and Japanese designs adorn the clothing items that people like La Mari in ‘Chambao’, El Sevilla in ‘Mojinos Escozíos’ […]

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A business develops a device capable of detecting leaks in water pipes with greater precision and speed


Technology developed by a young company from Málaga in collaboration with the University of Málaga allows a more precise and quicker detection of leaks in water pipes. A ball is placed in the pipes and after travelling up to 20 kilometres, sends the location of leaks to a tablet via GPS, leaks which are detected by […]

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