Juan José Gaforio, a doctor blogger who studies the benefits of olive oil for health


José Juan Gaforio always wanted to be a doctor. However, when he started to work as a researcher, his vocation has been spreading the results obtained by researchers among the general public, that’s why the University of Jaén awarded him. He works at this university, where he directs the Area of Immunology and directs the […]

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Rosa Vañó, international olive oil with designs by Pau Gasol or Fernando Alonso


Despite Rosa Vañó was born in Madrid, her father is from Jaén and her mother is from Almería, that’s why her DNA is 100% Andalusian. She started her career in the United States, where she worked as an executive from companies such as Warner, Universal and Coca-Cola and learnt everything she knows about marketing. She […]

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