Two generations of fashion designers exporting child fashion to the world from Lantejuela

child fashion

Rosario started sewing 30 years ago in Lantejuela, Seville, for her neighbours. Today, her brand Roinsal exports child fashion from her hometown to the United Kingdom, Portugal, Mexico…She is not the only example of a successful businesswoman in her family. Inmaculada, her daughter, who has always been close to fashion from a young age, currently […]

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Rosa Vañó, international olive oil with designs by Pau Gasol or Fernando Alonso


Despite Rosa Vañó was born in Madrid, her father is from Jaén and her mother is from Almería, that’s why her DNA is 100% Andalusian. She started her career in the United States, where she worked as an executive from companies such as Warner, Universal and Coca-Cola and learnt everything she knows about marketing. She […]

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Francisco Gutiérrez, an artisan of chips who changed his motorbike for exportation


Francisco Gutiérrez set up Patatas Fritas Santo Reino in the churro shop where he worked with his wife, just a few metres away from the Cathedral of Jaén. He delivered chips and nuts around the villages near Jaén on his motorbike. Today the second generation of this family manages the business. They have sold their artisan […]

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