Salvador Arias, medical engineering to create artificial skin

artificial skin

Granadian Salvador Arias has received 6 academic and 24 research awards, two of the international. In 2011 he was awarded best intern resident doctor in Spain of all specialties. Specialized in Dermatology, he directs the Cell Production and Tissue Engineering Unit of the Hospital Complex of Granada, where they have successfully implanted the artificial skin […]

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Mercedes Alcalde, an expert in Dermatology who treats all skin tones


Mercedes Alcalde is the chief of Dermatology of the Torredecárdenas Hospital in Almería since the year 2003. Since then, she has turned this hospital into a referent in Spain thanks to a national symposium about dermatitis and immigration. She claims that when immigrants started to arrive to Almería, the need arouse to learn how to […]

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