Celia Jiménez, the first Spanish woman who has obtained a Michelin star for Andalusian cuisine

Celia JIménez

Celia Jiménez was born in Córdoba in 1970. She was the first Spanish woman who obtained a Michelin Star. She received it in 2006 when she was head chef at ‘El Lago Restaurant’ in Marbella (Málaga). Her first experience in the restoration sector was as a waitress at the Bodegas Campos Restaurant in Córdoba. Although […]

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Laura Ramírez, a continuous ascent to the international top of table tennis since 9 years old

Laura Ramírez

Laura Ramírez is from Peligros (Granada) and aged 17 she has already competed at an international level with the Spanish team. She started playing table tennis when she was 9 years old and was considered the best athlete in Granada in 2009. Laura Ramírez has competed in three European championships and has been four times […]

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