Paco Flores, the chef from Malaga who conquered Madrid Fusión reinventing the classic gazpachuelo soup


Paco Flores, is a 29 years old cook from Malaga who has managed to turn the traditional gazpachuelo (a fish soup) into the best design tapa of the year at the prestigious gastronomy annual show Madridfusion, and he did his presentation single handed as his arm was in a cast due to a motorbike accident.

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Say goodbye to ‘Tupperware’ and hello to home-made food at the office with just one click


The difficulties found by many workers in order to get back home for lunch due to the distance from work, lack of time or work volume has proven a business opportunity to a group of entrepreneurs from Seville, who have created a logistic network to cater home-made food to offices with delivery guaranteed by 2pm […]

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