Lorca’s Gypsy Ballads come to life thanks to a crowdfunding campaign and 250 artists

Over 250 artists from all over Spain have gathered to create an illustrated edition of Lorca’s Gypsy Ballads in a collaborative way. They have achieved it thanks to a crowdfunding campaign that has multiplied by eight the amount of money they demanded initially. This has been possible because in 2017 the work of Federico García Lorca became part of the public domain.

Narrating Landscapes, a site to discover 100 of the most prominent cultural landscapes of Spain

Narrating Landscapes is an interactive platform that distributes 100 of the most prominent cultural landscapes of Spain through videos, maps and articles that travel through the centuries of historical heritage. It is the result of two years of research by the Polytechnic University of Madrid which has formed the Seville company, Geographica. The initiative is sponsored by the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute within the National Plan of the Cultural Landscape.

The investigation of Federico García Lorca’s crime is revived in the comic La araña del olvido

La araña del olvido’ is a graphic novel that talks about the unforeseen events in the life of a North American writer, Agustín Penón, who arrived in Granada in 1955 to attempt to clear up the details surrounding the murder of Federico García Lorca. Enrique Bonet makes use of comic to get closer to the character and the time period.

Velázquez travels in time from the Baroque Period to get children interested in art

Velázquez has travelled in time to the present from the seventeenth century to transmit children his passion for painting. He has become the guide of the activity ‘Velázquez’s Workshop’, a family visit, organised by the Engranajes Culturales Company, to the ‘Velázquez. Murillo. Sevilla’ exhibition, which will be held in the headquarters of the Focus Abengoa Foundation in Seville until the 2nd of April. The visit is adapted to children and, in addition, kids learn how to employ the egg tempera painting technique, which was used in the time of these great painters, and dress up like characters from the Baroque Period.