Robert Stockwell, corn with the flavours of Andalusia winning over the European palate

Corn dried under the Andalusian sun. Sunflower oil from Cadiz and Seville. Salt from the Bay of Cadiz. These and only these are the ingredients of the nachos made by SuperMexFoods, which are making their way into the European market from their factory in  El Puerto de Santa Maria. Malta, Switzerland,Iceland, France, and Israel are just some of the countries that they are exported to. It is Robert Stockwell who is behind this success, an American who came to Cadiz in the 80s to work with his brother, Bruce, in a Tex Mex restaurant–  one of the first of this type in Spain – and who was born in the heat of the North American Naval Station Rota. Shortly after, Robert decided to launch his own brand of nachos using high quality, local ingredients.

4 thoughts on “Robert Stockwell, corn with the flavours of Andalusia winning over the European palate

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