Mecológico: local agriculture and fair trade to promote responsible food consumption

Taking logic to food consumption, that’s the task developed by Montse Castro in Brenes (Seville). She is an environmental educator who, after losing her job, has wanted to spread her consumption philosophy among society through the Mecológico Project, an organic and local market. Montse acts as an intermediary between organic local producers and costumers of the area applying the zero-mile philosophy and fair trade principles.

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5 thoughts on “Mecológico: local agriculture and fair trade to promote responsible food consumption

  1. この度は迅速かつ丁寧なご対応をありがとうございました。初めて利用させていただきましたが、とても丁寧な梱包と直筆のお手紙に感激いたしました。また機会があれば利用させていただきます。

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