Plants of the Alhambra, a book to enjoy the Nasrid monument through its flora

Plants of the Alhambra. 80 indispensable species’ is the title of a book edited by the Alhambra along with the Miguel Sánchez publishing company. It is a catalogue of the plant species that we can find in this monument, and, in addition, it offers a new way perspective of the Alhambra, which changes every season.

Scoobic, a 4.0 electric vehicle designed for last mile delivery within smart cities

Scoobic is an electric vehicle that has been designed in Seville for last mile delivery. In addition, it is equipped with a filter that absorbs CO2 and cleans the air. This invention has received the maximum technical excellence qualification from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Industry. This vehicle, the first of its kind in Spain, is expected to arrive in the streets by the beginning of 2018.

Maths to increase the success rate of liver transplants

Researchers from the University of Cordoba and the Reina Sofia Hospital have created an assignation model that matches liver transplant donors and recipients. This new model is more accurate when determining the compatibility between them and has a precision of 92%. This way, the chances of success are increased.

Ec2ce, artificial intelligence and big data to combat plagues

Sevilian entrepreneurs Ricardo and Pedro didn’t know anything about farming, but they knew a lot about business development. So, after considering it carefully, they decided to create Ec2ce, a company specialised in artificial intelligence and big data that helps agro-industrial and cattle farming companies make the right decisions regarding the management of their businesses. They offer predictive models that are able to predict, for example, the annual harvest, productivity, the evolution of plagues… Clients worldwide have shown interest in this innovative idea.