An app that facilitates relationships of doctors and patients with COPD

To facilitate the adherence of treatment to the people with COPD with personalized medical monitoring in real time, this is the innovation that comes from the winning app of the Health Challenge Andalusia, the first competition for open innovation celebrated in Spain which was promoted by the Regional Government of Andalusia with the collaboration of Vodafone. The app, EPPOC, was developed by a family doctor and two nurses of the Andalusian health system that, through advice and videos, helps the people suffering from this disease pursue treatment. It also incorporates a personalized monitoring system for each patient in real time through alerts and messages. More than 40 projects participated in the challenge and 12 different apps addressing COPD have become available for download in e-stores. 10% of people over 65 suffer from this chronic lung disease that complicates breathing.

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6 thoughts on “An app that facilitates relationships of doctors and patients with COPD

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