Diffusion in and outside the Internet to make Cordova’s cultural agenda accessible to people

Culture Network is a project run by several professionals who have participated in Cordova’s Department of Culture “Youth Employment” project. The initiative arose from the need to bring the cultural agenda to everyone, regardless of age, profession or residence area, according to this team of people. This is why they have used both new technology, such as email, WhatsApp, as well as conventional media such as meetings, telephone calls and post. Since it was set up, it has brought about an increase in attendance at cultural activities.

Download Area:

This is the download area of Andalusian Stories.If you are a professional of the media o you just simply like our stories, you just need click on the buttons and the download will star automatically.

1. Video resources:
a summary of images that you can include in your own video editing.

2. Interviews:
a summary of the declarations of the protagonists of our videos

3. VTR:
complete video without graphics so you can insert your own.

4. INFO:
summary and transcription of the video.

Don’t forget to quote the author! [www.andalusianstories.com]

The diffusion of our name is what allows us to keep offering our contents for free ;p

*All our images are recorded in professional quality.

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