La Sastrería, design and creativity recognised with the most important Spanish award

They were classmates when they studied design and they decided to join forces and created a studio in Granada that was specialised in branding and multi-media: La Sastrería. Roberto Romera and Efrén Mellado won two Anuaria Awards 2017, the Spanish graphic design awards that are delivered annually. Their clients are from all over Spain and the have created the visual identity of the Granada Metropolitano.

Mercedes Arriaga, science dissemination that vindicates the role of women in culture

In the Philology Department of the University of Seville, the voice of female writers is heard loud and clear thanks to the work of professor Mercedes Arriaga. Mercedes is a professor of Italian Philology and a restless defender of the dissemination of gender studies. She holds the fifth position in the H-Index Scholar International Science Ranking, which measures the professional quality of researchers basing on their studies.

Beatriz Carrillo, the challenge of fighting for the equality of the Romany Community

Born in Cordoba, Beatriz Carrillo is vice-president of the Spanish State Council of the Romany Population, president of Amuradi (the University Romani Women Association of Andalusia), and president of Fakali (the Federation of Romany Women Associations). However, despite this huge responsibility, she has always a smile on her face, even when she defends the rights of the Romany Community, women’s empowerment and global access to education, both at a Spanish and at an European level.

Laura Maldonado, a rising talent of Spanish golf at the top of university sport

Born in Almería, Laura Maldonado is one of the most successful sportswomen of Andalusian university sport. Golf is her passion and she plays it since she was five years old, as it was a family tradition. She is currently 19 years old and was the winner of the University Championship of Spain in 2016. She also won the teams bronze medal in that same championship, and the silver medal in 2017. She supports university sports and encourages her colleagues to be a part of it and live great experiences.