Antonio Pérez, a sculptor and an international referent turning taxidermy into an art form

At only 14 years old, Antonio Pérez carved animal figurines. Now, he has more than 40 years of experience and has become an international referent in the field of taxidermy thanks to his sculptural ensembles of wild animals and the techniques he uses to create them. Based on a structure, he can build sculptural ensembles that weight 1,200 kilos and that only have a single point of support. His works are displayed in ‘WoW. Wonders of Wildlife‘, an exhibition supported by the Science Park of Granada (Andalusia) which has been in several European cities. It is possible to visit it until August 2017 in Granada. He dreams of creating a museum of Natural History at Santa Fe, the city where he was born.

5 thoughts on “Antonio Pérez, a sculptor and an international referent turning taxidermy into an art form

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