In the Almudeyne High School in Los Palacios, Seville, young health advisors are in charge of promoting healthy habits among their mates. The initiative of these students was started after the ‘Forma Joven’ programme was implemented in their high school. They decided to get involved and become a bond between their mates and health professionals. They detect problems and advice their partners. This is an altruistic initiative that is pioneering in Spain.
My Leaf, an app that helps improve the quality of life of people affected by rare diseases
‘My Leaf’ is a mobile app that connects people affected by rare diseases. It also allows them to monitor their symptoms and treatments, generating information that is useful for researchers and doctors. 6% of the Spanish population is affected by a rare disease.
Power2DM, an app that allows doctors and patients to monitor diabetes in real time
Doctors and nutritionists from the Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba and the Reina Sofia Hospital have created an app that allows doctors and patients to monitor diabetes in real time. The app will also help patients follow a healthier lifestyle and alert doctors of possible complications.
Maths to increase the success rate of liver transplants
Researchers from the University of Cordoba and the Reina Sofia Hospital have created an assignation model that matches liver transplant donors and recipients. This new model is more accurate when determining the compatibility between them and has a precision of 92%. This way, the chances of success are increased.