Be part of it: we all have positive andalusian stories to share

We invite you to work with us on broadcasting “This Other Andalusia”, not the clichéd one everybody is familiar with. Through this channel you can:

–  Suggest new positive stories of Andalusia
–  Send us your own videos of Andalusia
–  Send us your Photo Stories
–  Or send us your opinions, reviews and suggestions.

First/Last name:


Phone number:

Write down the story you want to tell us.:

You must write the url of the video on YouTube:

Mark here if you have not uploaded your video to YouTube. We will contact you so you can be able to send it to us.

Select the photo from your PC:

Sending my opinions, critics or suggestions:

I have read and accepted the Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
The Company Ideas con Alma Comunicación y Estrategia, S.L., hereinafter ANDALUSIAN STORIES, informs users of the website of its personal data protection policy, so that users may freely and voluntarily decide whether they wish to provide ANDALUSIAN STORIES with the personal data they are requested to submit for subscribing, registering or filling in any online data form, at no detriment to fulfilling the duty to give detailed information in each of the forms or media by means of which personal data is collected.
ANDALUSIAN STORIES has implemented its data protection policy in accordance with the prevailing Personal Data Protection Act (Spanish acronym LOPD), adopting all the technical and organisational measures required to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent its loss, alteration, processing or unauthorised access, as specified in the implementing Regulation of the Personal Data Protection Act passed by Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December. The level of security adopted is that befitting the nature of the personal data supplied.
The personal data collected via this website shall be processed in good faith and legally in accordance with the principles and rights described in the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999 of 13 December and other implementing regulations.
The personal data we are provided with and for which ANDALUSIAN STORIES is responsible will be included in files duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, in order to provide the download service required and to keep you informed of news and new events that may interest you regarding ANDALUSIAN STORIES.
To exercise your rights of access, correction, deletion or opposition regarding your personal data, you may write to ANDALUSIAN STORIES at the following address: c / Gonzalo Bilbao 23-25, 4ª planta, módulo 10, 41003, Seville, Spain. Tel.: (+34) 955 688 831, email address:

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