A spin off Enterprise from the University of Granada is building the first factory that will produce ecological stevia in Europe.
Month: June 2013
Happy hens, smiling eggs: a pioneer project started in Andalusia for an ecological diet
Smiling eggs that come from happy hens, it is the idea of a farm that produces ecological eggs. Its promoter, an entrepreneur that used to work in a bank decided to move to the agricultural sector. He counts on 900 laying hens that relax with classical music and live in freedom.
Andalusian engineers create an app to consult a doctor at home
Now it is possible to avoid queuing at the doctor’s. We can measure our heart rate, blood pressure, weight and temperature at home and send it to our doctor.
A free app and networking help to get a job in the Andalusian rural areas
Looking for a job with a smartphone is now possible thanks to the free app ‘Guadalinfo Videocurrículum’, created by Francisco Javier Lafuente, monitor at the Guadalinfo Centre of Vélez de Benaudalla, a town located in the province of Granada.