An Andalusian method to detect gluten in the diet has convinced Harvard

Consisting of immunochromatographic strips, similar to pregnancy tests, that change colour when they detect gluten in a sample of the patient’s stool.  Like this, in only minutes, you are able to know if by mistake or carelessness you have consumed gluten. It is a creation by the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology at the University of Seville. The importance of this new system lies in the speed, in its simplicity, and in the major reliability against the blood tests that were taken until now. It has awakened the interest of U.S hospitals for its implementation and has opened the doors for Andalusian scientists to collaborate in its development with Harvard University.

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2 thoughts on “An Andalusian method to detect gluten in the diet has convinced Harvard

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    シャネル 財布 スーパーコピー 激安 6帖

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