Advances in the treatment of Fragile X Syndrome with the first medication of its kind

After 15 years of research, researchers from the Regional Hospital in Málaga and the Institute of Biomedical Research of Málaga have developed a medication to treat Fragile X Syndrome. The European Medicines Agency has granted orphan drug status to this product, with 65% effectiveness in the clinical trial carried out.

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7 thoughts on “Advances in the treatment of Fragile X Syndrome with the first medication of its kind

  1. Congratulations to the Andalusian Stories Channel for their magnificent effort in disseminating everything good that comes out from Andalusia. You are a great team.
    Congratulations to all the professionals part of the CTS546 research team, past and present, and to all the participants and their families included in the clinical trials, to establish the efficacy of the combination of antioxidant vitamins to treat Fragile X syndrome. You are the pioneers. With your effort, you allow the progress of scientific knowledge. For that reason, we are all in your debt.
    Thank you to the families, for your continued support to the research team over the past 20 years. You are the engine that drives this project and you give us the motivation to continue. We all admire your effort and dedication to the loving care of thousands of precious butterflies affected by Fragile X Syndrome. Hurra fragile-X Málaga and fragile-X Andalusia!!!

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