Arena Gaming, a high performance centre for professional and amateur gamers

For two young men from Granada, their love of videogames led them to set up Arena Gaming, a high performance centre for professional and amateur video gamers. They now have nearly 3,000 users a month.

Download Area:

This is the download area of Andalusian Stories.If you are a professional of the media o you just simply like our stories, you just need click on the buttons and the download will star automatically.

1. Video resources:
a summary of images that you can include in your own video editing.

2. Interviews:
a summary of the declarations of the protagonists of our videos

3. VTR:
complete video without graphics so you can insert your own.

4. INFO:
summary and transcription of the video.

Don’t forget to quote the author! []

The diffusion of our name is what allows us to keep offering our contents for free ;p

*All our images are recorded in professional quality.

2 thoughts on “Arena Gaming, a high performance centre for professional and amateur gamers

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