Sabias: History’s forgotten great female scientists

female scientists

Sabias is the latest book from writer Adela Muñoz, professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Seville. Hypatia of Alexandria, Ada Lovelace, Rosalind Franklin… Sabias compiles the biographies and great scientific contributions of these women and others whose names are unknown by the majority of the population. Victims of obscurity, of male dominance, the […]

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Eloísa Bernáldez, a researcher who studies History in the language of bones


Eloísa Bernáldez grew up reading Darwin’s Works and at the age of seven she decided that she was going to be a researcher. Today, she is a paleobiologist who studies bones and fossils to reconstruct how the inhabitants of Andalusia lived thousands of years ago. She works at the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute and at […]

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